Monday, January 15, 2007


(graffiti sketches, photo transfer,pen,india ink,graphite)
Cio! today was relatively uneventful-mostly school work and classes. Tomorrow we will leave for Milan at 6am and be there for the day. The above sketches are from some interesting graffiti I have photographed(mom let me know if you like the sketches!). The process for these sketches included photography, then editing in photoshop, mirroring the image, printing then copying them on the copier, photo transfering using acetone, then drawing and painting on the transfer. Today we also paired of for our project, a group project on housing in Genoa. Our class has also been selected for the Milano Salone Satelite , an international design fair hosted in Milan where furniture and industrial design projects will be exhibited. Our projects will appear in the Satelit section, restricted to students advancing the craft of design. Since our projects will focus on architecture as product it fits well into the fair!

1 comment:

la said...

you're so talented :) hope you're haveing an amazing me soon if you can!