Thursday, January 11, 2007


(studio space)
(view of my sleeping area)

Today was the second day of classes. I was assigned my studio projects and finished settling into the villa. Above you can see one of the bedrooms-notice the super high ceilings with the intricate moldings. I share a room with 4 guys, there is also a girls room with 3, a guys room with 3, and a girls room with 7. Food at the villa is amazing. Lunch is the big meal of the day-so far we have had risotto, quiche, pastas, gelato, and other tasty treats. Dinner is also good, but we prepare it ourselves. Also notice our studio space which over looks the harbour- with 15ft ceilings and ample space I won't mind the soon to come all nighters. For studio I have Virginia Sanfratello, Ron's wife, and Mark and Janis are both in the class with me. The studio will focus on intergrating a housing solution for all income levels. Located on the histoic Genovese port we must anaylze site conditions and as a class propse a master plane that will be the nexus for the housing proposal. More to come Cio!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


(view of the port from villa)
Cio miei famiglia e miei amici! I have finally settled in molto bello porto de Genova, a sprawling Italian city on the picturesque Mediteranian coast. The villa where I will be living is a100 yr old, 3 story, classical italian palace complete with studio space, kitchen, living area, and bedrooms- with a grotto out back and multiple terraces the villa is a sight in and of itself. We have already stomped around the city and realized that the rich food will be countered with daily romps up and down loads of steep stairs. Genova is sited on both the ocean and mountians, providing a very intense labyrinth of steps and views! Today we learned that all drinks are served with "aprito" or appetizers which are free-these are not small portions either, they are delicious cheeses, breads, panini, grills, veggies and endless other treats: a cultural norm found only in Genova. It has been rather cloudy and rainy so look for more pictures once the sun comes out.