Friday, January 19, 2007

>>Tre Mieli

(place setting)

(antipasto-two different fried cheese dishes)

(desert-gelato with hand rolled cone)
(surrounded by wine bottles)
Cio!Last night was perhaps the best meal I have ever enjoyed. Sorry to all the cooks at home, but you can't compete with fried cheeses, hand made pasta with pesto, perfectly grilled (local) fish, in house made gelato, and the local favorite white wine! Four hours later, I understand why Italians are so friendly-they enjoy their food. The restauraunt "tre il mieli"(three crows) is located on the port of Genova with breathtaking interior design which included beautiful place settings and walls of amber wine bottles. Nothing ends a tough week of school quite like and amazing dinner. Today was a usual school day, we finished classes before lunch but had our last Italian lesson until four. From now on, we should have more free time since our 2 hour, twice a day Italian lesssons are over. Tomorrow I will return to Milan to try to capitilize upon the "saldi" a major sale in January(and april where everything is on sale) most things have been ranging from30-75% off-worth the trip to find a uniquely Italian fashion for a fraction of the cost! Tonight I will return to the Piazza to meet up with our Italian friends and enjoy the beautiful Genovese weather a perfectly comfortable meditteranean night. Buona Nota

Thursday, January 18, 2007


(San Lorenzo, graphite, pen, ink wash)
Today is yet another day of excitement. First, we woke up around 7:30 to go turn in our passports so we could stay the length of time we needed. Well, ofcourse I lost my passport, walked all the way down town, and had to go back to the villa to find it! It had simply slipped out of my pouch and was between my bed and desk! So that was a good start to the day. Then we've had classes and studio all day, but tonight we will go out to dinner with our Italian proffesor. Above is a field sketch i did of this amazing church here in Genova, San Lorenzo. It is right down town off of Piazza del Ferrari.As usual thanks for the comments! Cio!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007



(galleria victorio Emanuel)

(piazza di USA)

Today was pretty uneventful, mostly recovering from Milan. We took a walking tour of the city with one of our proffesors, Stefano. Yesterday however was pretty intrigueing. As you know we went to Milano which is quite different then Genova. Firstly, being inland Milan was much colder and very cloudy-making for a very glumy day. Yet, at night the city really comes to life (props to me for learning how to use my camera at night!). At the top, you see a very amazing bronze sculpture-keep in mind that the artist had to construct the inverse of this massive object and pour the lava gold bronze into it. Below, is a picture of a huge galleria, next to the infamous Duomo. The Duomo has taken 500 years to finish-the larges Cathedral in Italy. The space the galleria provided was very intense. Me and Mark went into Prada and I was very close to buying some shoes that were on sale....however I resisted the urge. On the bottom you can see how picturesque the night time truly was, lights and cars proved the perfect end to the 6am start up. We began our day in the outskirts of Milano studying some post-modernist housing projects that were quite amazing. Then we ventured into the city proper, a much more city like space then Genoa. The fashions were amazing and I believe Mark, Janis, and I will return to Milano on saturday to see the city more.Cio!

Monday, January 15, 2007


(graffiti sketches, photo transfer,pen,india ink,graphite)
Cio! today was relatively uneventful-mostly school work and classes. Tomorrow we will leave for Milan at 6am and be there for the day. The above sketches are from some interesting graffiti I have photographed(mom let me know if you like the sketches!). The process for these sketches included photography, then editing in photoshop, mirroring the image, printing then copying them on the copier, photo transfering using acetone, then drawing and painting on the transfer. Today we also paired of for our project, a group project on housing in Genoa. Our class has also been selected for the Milano Salone Satelite , an international design fair hosted in Milan where furniture and industrial design projects will be exhibited. Our projects will appear in the Satelit section, restricted to students advancing the craft of design. Since our projects will focus on architecture as product it fits well into the fair!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


(panorama of Genova)

(Piazza del Ferrari)
The sun has come out and the weather has been bellisimo, nothing like 60 degree weather in January! Above are some shots of Piazza del Ferrari and of all Genova. This piazza is considered Genova's city central-at night this place becomes a large open air party. Many young people and family's will gather here until as late as 6am. Piazza del Ferrari and Piazza del Erbe are two of the hot spots that we have experianced this weekend. Some notable foods and drink I have encountered-Sangria at Bar Latino, Montenegro con Arancia at Bar Berto, Lasgna al Pesto at Carmine di Orze. I have also found that the local Genovese people are very friendly. I have already made friends with Matteo, Claudio, Gabrielle, Sylvia, Franco, Sarah and a few others that seem to think "you speak good Italian" so atleast Ive been able to interact with the locals. Because Genoa has no logical city grid, its terraced labryinth streets are told to be tricky even to locals-I discovered this the hard way last night. On my way back to the villa(which is in the hills about 20 min up the mountain from the Piazzi) I took a wrong turn somewhere and became extremely lost. I walked the mountaneous streets for about 2 hours. Finally, around 4:00 am a very friendly young Italian couple offered me a ride home-I was a 30 minute car ride away from the villa! Today we went to see an architecture exhibit at a local museum, it was a very interesting exhibit on modern Italian architects. Today, concluded with a walk through an open air market where I sampled the most interesting foods-pesti, fishes, cheeses, meats of which I couldn't begin to name. Well, Cio for now!