Wednesday, January 17, 2007



(galleria victorio Emanuel)

(piazza di USA)

Today was pretty uneventful, mostly recovering from Milan. We took a walking tour of the city with one of our proffesors, Stefano. Yesterday however was pretty intrigueing. As you know we went to Milano which is quite different then Genova. Firstly, being inland Milan was much colder and very cloudy-making for a very glumy day. Yet, at night the city really comes to life (props to me for learning how to use my camera at night!). At the top, you see a very amazing bronze sculpture-keep in mind that the artist had to construct the inverse of this massive object and pour the lava gold bronze into it. Below, is a picture of a huge galleria, next to the infamous Duomo. The Duomo has taken 500 years to finish-the larges Cathedral in Italy. The space the galleria provided was very intense. Me and Mark went into Prada and I was very close to buying some shoes that were on sale....however I resisted the urge. On the bottom you can see how picturesque the night time truly was, lights and cars proved the perfect end to the 6am start up. We began our day in the outskirts of Milano studying some post-modernist housing projects that were quite amazing. Then we ventured into the city proper, a much more city like space then Genoa. The fashions were amazing and I believe Mark, Janis, and I will return to Milano on saturday to see the city more.Cio!


neleazer said...

Hi Rob(e),
enjoyed traveling to Milan with you..thanks for sharing the pictures and your thoughts...
I enjoy the uniqueness and beauty of the sculpture and buildings,,,even though, I don't understand the details like you and your mom...
We may have some wintry mix tonight..I am excited because I love waking up with the radio blaring "NO SCHOOL TODAY"!!! Even a 'delay' will suit me..
Enjoy!!!! Aunt Nila

Unknown said...

I am so glad that you liked Milan. For your next trip some good spots to try are Mexicali (Italy's version of Mexican), Art Cafe, and Cafe Iguana. All of these places have amazing apperitivi. Seeing your pictures makes me miss my second home! Hope that all is well; it sounds like you are having a blast.