Sunday, January 14, 2007


(panorama of Genova)

(Piazza del Ferrari)
The sun has come out and the weather has been bellisimo, nothing like 60 degree weather in January! Above are some shots of Piazza del Ferrari and of all Genova. This piazza is considered Genova's city central-at night this place becomes a large open air party. Many young people and family's will gather here until as late as 6am. Piazza del Ferrari and Piazza del Erbe are two of the hot spots that we have experianced this weekend. Some notable foods and drink I have encountered-Sangria at Bar Latino, Montenegro con Arancia at Bar Berto, Lasgna al Pesto at Carmine di Orze. I have also found that the local Genovese people are very friendly. I have already made friends with Matteo, Claudio, Gabrielle, Sylvia, Franco, Sarah and a few others that seem to think "you speak good Italian" so atleast Ive been able to interact with the locals. Because Genoa has no logical city grid, its terraced labryinth streets are told to be tricky even to locals-I discovered this the hard way last night. On my way back to the villa(which is in the hills about 20 min up the mountain from the Piazzi) I took a wrong turn somewhere and became extremely lost. I walked the mountaneous streets for about 2 hours. Finally, around 4:00 am a very friendly young Italian couple offered me a ride home-I was a 30 minute car ride away from the villa! Today we went to see an architecture exhibit at a local museum, it was a very interesting exhibit on modern Italian architects. Today, concluded with a walk through an open air market where I sampled the most interesting foods-pesti, fishes, cheeses, meats of which I couldn't begin to name. Well, Cio for now!


neleazer said...

Hi Rob(e),
Glad you made it back to the villa. (I bet that was a little scary especially after an hour or so) It sounds like you are absorbing so much of the culture and learning more and more each day!!!
What about the pastries and chocolates????!!!??? (my favorite)
Wonderful Pictures!!!

Uncle Carl worked on the closets today and I made macaroni and cheese..not quite as tasty as your Mom's, but I will keep trying!!!

Have an incredible day and take care,
Aunt Nila

Lyn Bethea said...

Grandma and Big Daddy and I are reading about your experiences - sounds like fun except for the "lost" part. Big Daddy hasn't got his computer set up yet to leave you a message so we are all sitting here at my computer reading everything. Today is Big Daddy's 81st birthday so we have been eating, and eating, and eating. Sounds like you are having a great time!