Monday, February 5, 2007


View of Firenze from the gardens
original door panel by Ghiberti
View from Santa Maria Del Fiore
Inside Santa Maria Del Fiore

Once we arrived from Siena we went straight to the academia to view the David by Michalengelo and see many other artworks. My favorites were the unfinished sculptures bye Michalengelo. We also went to a church and walked around Florence. That night we took a long dinner and rested for the next day. On the 31st we took a full day walking tour through Firenze, seeing all the major sights. We began the day climbing Brunheleschi's dome and finished the day in a garden. We also learned about many movements in Firenze and also the artistic shifts unique to Firenze. On the first we went to the Uffizi museum for half the day and saw thousands of works by every major artist. From here we concluded the day with a walking tour of the city. On the Feb 2nd we woke up early and headed to Bolgna early in the morning.

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