Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The Louvre
Eiffel Tower
Arc d' Triumph Emmanuel,Mark, Laurence,Me, Janis(behind camera)
Giocometti Sculpture(for mom)
Centre Pompideu

What better way to spend a five day weekend then in Paris? You are right, there isnt a more appropriate way to spend a weekend! Me , Mark, and Janis left from Genoa around 2pm on Thursday (after switz.) and arrived in Paris around 11pm- along trip but worth the cheap flight form Ryan air. We stayed with Mark's child hood friend Emmanuel in the picture above for free. She lives in a tiny apartment but it was in the city and a block from the sub way. After our late night we had an early start to see the Louvre, Notre Dame and a little shopping on Champs D'Elysee. We made it back to the apartment around 6 to start making dinner. We cooked a huge meal with Emmanuel and had some amazing French Wine. The next day it was off to Musee D'Orsee and Eiffel Tower an good contrast to the Louvre. That night we cooked dinner again and went to visit friends of Emmanuel's. The last day we spent at the Pompideu Centre and exploring Sacre Ceur-the area that all the impressionist artists lived. A very lively area on Montmarte. Then it was back to meet Emmanuel. The last night we went out for Dinner and had a feast of steak,green beans, and of course Crem' Brulee. The next morning it was up at 4 am to catch the plane. We made it back to studio by 2pm on monday! The next adventure is to Amsterdam tomorrow.

1 comment:

neleazer said...

Hi Robbie,

You continue to WOW us with your fabulous pictures and narratives...
Thanks so much!!!!!

Aunt Nila